death - Page 2

Mors certa, hora incerta: a poem

The clock is inexorable. What (random) memories do we keep?


Memories and ghosts in a Prague hotel


"They welcomed me and then oddly warned me the hotel was haunted, especially my room, then wished me a good night."


WGT: Descent on Agra Park (and Dölitz)


"The population of Dölitz is 4,734. The number of tickets sold for this year’s WGT is somewhere in the region of 18,000, and the scale of change in neighbourhood demographics in Dölitz during this time is spectacular."


DIPAT: young energy tackles topic of death


DIPAT's road to success is fraught with the tough, heartbreaking stories and realities that justify its existence in the first place.


From LE to LA: the kindness of strangers


What surprised me was what I got from the people. I had forgotten how good it feels to smile and be smiled back at. I know some say Americans are superficially nice, but I miss that friendliness. Every day I went to the boardwalk of Venice Beach in LA, I got hugs for no reason


Mid-30s: weird spot between birth & death

You've known this all along, of course, but now you're painfully aware.
