My jaunt through Milan Cathedral


To celebrate Easter, I have decided to post some photos I recently took at the spectacular Duomo di Milano (Milan Cathedral). This one stands out among the many European churches I’ve seen during my travels. No wonder; according to its Wikipedia page, “the Gothic cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete,” having had some 80 architects and engineers


#Haiku of the day (April 5)


Daily haiku: Home – What roots could’ve meant/ The wanderer I’ve become/ Too far to turn back


April 13: “Chicks on Swing” – KrystallPalast Variete #Leipzig

Auf Deutsch: “Lassen Sie sich von dem Alltag entführen und erleben Sie einen berauschenden Abend mit den Chicks on Swing! Sie sind echte Ladies und begeistern durch Charme, Witz und Leichtigkeit. Getrieben von der Sehnsucht, aus ihrem alltäglichen Leben etwas Außergewöhnliches zu machen, fanden drei faszinierende Frauen aus drei Nationen zueinander. Zusammen suchten sie nach


#Haiku of the day (April 4)


Daily haiku:  Online –  Just one click away/  Easy glimpse into their life/  You slide ten steps back 


#Haiku of the day (April 3)


Daily haiku: Toothbrush – He just left it here/ I guess it must mean something/ Panic attack mode


Meeting the elusive Pam de Bahr

Last Saturday, Leipzig-based American artist Maeshelle West-Davies invited me to meet up with her on Eisenbahnstraße. She was touring the neighborhood as part of Leipzig Stadtteilexpeditionen, headed by Diana Wesser. In it, people join up in groups to go around and get to know the different communities in Leipzig, one at a time, talking to locals at stands and

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