Reviews - Page 15

Review: Mr. Holmes


In the high vulnerability of body and mind of his last days, totally believable with McKellen's acting, I'll dare say Sherlock Holmes has never appeared so human.


The Good, The Rough, The Revenant


Once you’ve settled in your seat, you’ll soon forget there’s popcorn on your lap since the movie will have you devoured from the word go.


Review: Mistress America


She's pretty in an accessible way, optimistic even in her bleakest moments, and the type of person you both want to be and to avoid being. It's just like that in her latest film, Mistress America. You can watch it tonight in Leipzig, in the original, at Kinobar Prager Frühling.


Review: Bridge of Spies


Steven Spielberg's latest movie stars Tom Hanks as an Atticus Finch-type character defending a marginalized person in American society: in this case a suspected Soviet spy in the Cold War era. You can catch the movie at Leipzig's Luru Kino tonight.


Stage and Screen: The Stars Strike Back


The force acts as one – that's what happens when two geeky sic-fi vigilantes and Leipglo columnists go to watch Star Wars.


Mac batty beth


Something witty this way comes via English Theatre Leipzig
