ana ribeiro - Page 25

166 result(s) found.

#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany (August)

Two Sundays ago, we decided to start running a jobs post on LeipGlo in response to complaints by international people regarding the limited accessibility to info on available positions in and around Leipzig. Readers' reaction was very positive, and we have included suggestions for job ads here. We also feature some student jobs and an


Leipzig Events: Special movies in globalization-criticizing festival – free entry


These are special features hosted by the organization GlobaLE. They deal with social and political issues, as part of a months-long festival criticizing globalization.


#ExpatJobs: Job vacancies for international people in Leipzig and broader region in Germany

One of the things that I've heard international people in Leipzig complain about the most has been the lack of access to information on jobs, leading many to think that the local job market is extremely limited and that therefore they should leave. With that in mind, we've decided to run a post two Sundays


Where my Facebook friends and I would like you to go this summer in Europe – and why

"I have managed to put something of a 'tips' post together by mentioning my column and asking my Facebook friends: What's your favorite summer holiday place? Could you describe it in a few words? I turned the answers I got and a few of my own favorites into what comes next... photos and short blurbs."


Leipzig Events: Sunday – Glasgow actors give intensely corporeal and emotional performance at Neues Schauspiel


A young, brave and intensely talented troupe of Glasgow actors performs Cleansed by Sarah Kane for the last time in Leipzig, at least this season, Sunday at 8 p.m. at Neues Schauspiel. I'd take the opportunity to see them if I were you; it's the most intimate, passionate and raw theater performance I've ever seen.
