ana ribeiro - Page 27

166 result(s) found.

On interning with the UN around Europe – some ins and outs, ups and downs


It's not necessarily easy to land an internship with the United Nations system. And it's not only because it's competitive and you often need to "be at the right place at the right time" or "know the right people," but also because it's expensive. Luckily, I had a scholarship that covered my Master studies tuition


#EditorDrawer: My past fling with a vampire

So, I'm thinking of performing this poem of mine for the open mic in honor of Wave-Gotik-Treffen, happening Friday evening at Leipzig's Poniatowski. Somehow I think the poem's theme of dark passion would be appropriate. If you so desire, check it out yourself here and tell me if you like it. And I hope, if


#WeeklyHaiku: “Haven”


Room to hear my thoughts
A cup of joe to warm me
Chat with a good book


May 4: With 7 regular columnists and new layout, blog becomes #webzine


Happy Labor Day! Today, on the 2-month anniversary of The Leipzig Glocal, I am proud to announce that we're ready to take the next step on our Web publishing journey. I say "we" because this can only be done with the help of the people who will be contributing their talent to this blog on


Haiku of the day: Ambush


Today's micropoetry.
