Stefan Hopf - Page 3

22 result(s) found.

1003 Nights: “Und weiter und fort”


"On the one hand, I wanted to create a kind of snapshot and write about a night which in itself is so complete and saturated that it deeply enriches you. Andererseits wollte ich über zwei Unbekannte schreiben, die sich in eben einer solchen Nacht finden, einen vollkommenen Moment teilen, und sich dann wieder verlieren."


4rooms and other sad closures in Leipzig


After 13 years, 4rooms says goodbye this week from its Reudnitz corner, joining the more than 50 casualties in the Leipzig food & entertainment market over the past few years.


6 things I miss about living in Leipzig


A former Irish resident of Leipzig talks about why the city won her over.


Poniatowski: gone but not forgotten


Some reminiscences and answers as to what happened to Leipzig's lively Polish hub, which died much too young.


Dunkel. Dreckig. Reudnitz. Martin.


The 30-year-old behind one of Leipzig's most popular online pages talks about his creation, takes us to some of his favorite local spots, and tells us why he and others are deciding to settle down in Reudnitz.


Top 5 highlights of the Designers’ Open (#do16)


More than a perfectly curated exhibit, the DO is an open space and market.
