Leipzig tips - Page 10

Tips for Leipzig living or exploring.

When opera orders a beer at the bar


Opera on Tap, a non-profit run by aspiring artists, has come to Leipzig to drag opera out of the house for a night on the town. The next show is 23 May at Beyerhaus.


Love, bureaucracy & despair in the city


Coming to Leipzig is rather easy – staying, not so much. A heartbreaking story involving an intercultural couple, unpaid pension fund fees and the Ausländerbehörde.


Craft beer bar hopping through Leipzig


"As a big fan of drinking different styles and creations of craft beer, I was happy to find a few great spots here in Leipzig. I explore three different places in this article, and include a story sharing my experiences with each of their beer cultures."


Leipzig: challenging vegan stereotypes


"Instead of confining us to a select few, often undeniably tasty, but sometimes just too stereotypically healthy plant-based cafes and restaurants, Leipzig allows vegetarians and vegans to partake in the consumption of fast food in the SAME PLACES as our meat-eating counterparts."


5 essentials for teaching English in Leipzig


Many expats seek out the chance to teach English in Leipzig, but now it's getting trickier. Andréanne Roy, inlingua's Director of Studies, shares essential tips, links, and a checklist to make the trek a bit easier.


Why your startup needs a Leipzig presence


In Leipzig, there may be some benefits you’ve never heard of that can be extremely advantageous to a young company.

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