Meet the Candidates: Tobias Peter (Grüne)


Many candidates from The Greens sent us answers back, as we reached out to all major parties ahead of the Leipzig City Council elections. Here are the answers from Tobias Peter, District 1, Leipzig Northeast. Wir veröffentlichen alle diese Interviews in deutscher und englischer Sprache.


Meet the Candidates: Katharina Krefft (Grüne)


More candidates from The Greens than any other party have sent us interview answers back. So expect to see a lot of Grüne on here. We're publishing in order of districts, so here's the first one: Katharina Krefft, District 0, Leipzig City Center. Wie immer in deutscher und englischer Sprache.


Meet the Candidates: Karsten Albrecht (CDU)


We continue our series ahead of the 26 May elections with Karsten Albrecht (CDU), City Council candidate for Leipzig South. Auf Deutsch & in English. He was the second candidate willing to give us an interview - later, we were able to reach more, and are doing our best to publish the interviews quickly and


Meet the Candidates: Martin Grund (SPD)


We kick off our series of interviews ahead of the 26 May elections with Martin Grund (SPD). The Plagwitz resident was the first Leipzig City Council candidate who reached out to us. Die Interviews werden in deutscher und englischer Sprache gemeinsam veröffentlicht.


Integration Fair: inviting new friends in


The Leipzig Integration Fair is bringing LeipGlo into the mix on 3 May. We are looking forward to seeing our diverse, loyal readership there - to join us in building up constructive dialogue and a toolbox of knowledge on how to survive the many tricky bits of this jungle we've come to call home.


Leipzig elects City Council and European Parliament


Get out the vote in Leipzig! We're in the process of interviewing candidates, to publish answers in both German and English. German as well as EU citizens are eligible to vote in both elections, but must act quickly to register.

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