ana ribeiro poe - Page 7

52 result(s) found.

Gentrification: the death of Karl Heine?


We saw the trophy girlfriends and the tight, white t-shirts of Audi owners who were now parking on the street.


Lolita: language, immorality and a masterpiece

Contradictions are a challenge our world poses to us, so they need to be dealt with by, among other things, literature.


Review: Anomalisa


To me, the movie Anomalisa is like an existential poem I can deeply identify with. It's also a tragic love poem of sorts, and a requiem for the middle- and upper-middle class in "Western" society. Catch it in Leipzig this Tuesday.


Book mania: What to read for every season

I love the books I read to reflect the season I’m in.


Reflections from cushy hell


Where do I sign up to leave? Where to I unplug the machine?

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