Before his forced, indefinite isolation during Covid-19 times in Wuhan, China, this young medicine student from Ghana felt he had his future figured out, and a bright one at that, planning to further his studies abroad and apply what he learned back home.
More"On the street, waiting for buses, or in the metro station, being squeezed in the train: One by one, stranger by stranger, local or foreign, citizen or tourist, the emotions of 'going out there' attached us to one other."
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Without a compelling vision of a different future, people gravitate toward demagogues who recycle the past. The left's failure to
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
In der Nacht des 27. Februar 1933 wurde der Reichstag in Brand gesetzt. Der 24-jährige Niederländer Marinus van der Lubbe
Germany is sending startup founders to Shanghai four weeks at a time, to learn Chinese business culture and approaches to innovation and versatility. The DC-Hub accelerator program is developed between Shanghai and Leipzig, with Basislager Coworking as local partner.
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Kiroku, which is inspired by tiny jam-packed paper stores in Japan, recently re-opened along Georg-Schwarz-Straße.
"In Die Villa I have learned Slovak and a few words of Esperanto; I have practised Arabic; and I feel
Nach einer langen Unterbrechung durch die Pandemie findet die Integrationsmesse der Stadt Leipzig endlich wieder in Präsenz statt. Im Interview
Disney characters as English teaching assistants
Drawing upon the timeless appeal of Disney characters and their universe, inlingua Leipzig is combining real with digital teachers to reach a new generation of English learners.
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Come join me in the shared misery and mirth of learning German in an offline course in Leipzig!
"In Die Villa I have learned Slovak and a few words of Esperanto; I have practised Arabic; and I feel
LeipGlo contributor Chrissy had a chat with her former language teacher and current podcast host Isabelle Wiedemeier. They discuss the
"Today, the Hong Kong building's inhabitants and visitors vary from budget travelers to tourists; businessmen to traders; sex workers to drug dealers; asylum seekers to economic migrants; charity workers to ordinary punters."
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Winding up this weekend at the Museum der bildenden Künste (MdbK) in Leipzig is the “Evelyn Richter: A Photographer’s Life”
As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who
Bitten by mosquitoes in Hong Kong
"I thought back to my own noble discomfort at treating the poverty of others as a tourist attraction."
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As 2023 comes to an end, LeipGlo looks back on the articles that we shared with you throughout the year.
The excess of information that keeps us informed can also make us anxious and distressed. Jessica Fayer, a psychologist who
It looks like the weather will remain good for the next couple of weeks… perhaps it is time to do