local history

Rediscovering Görlitz’s Jewish history


The Eastern Saxon city of Görlitz was once a thriving Jewish community in the greater area of Upper Lusatia (Oberlausitz). Persecution by the Nazis decimated the community entirely during the Shoah. Nowadays the city is divided into a German part, Görlitz, and a Polish part, Zgorzelec. A young American woman living in Görlitz, Lauren Leiderman,


MONAliesA – Leipzig’s feminist library


LeipGlo contributor Mascha Lange takes us through Leipzig's only feminist library MONAliesA and gives us an overview of its past and present as well as all its great inventory and projects.


Covid-19 crisis deals final blow to Globetrotter hostel


Covid-19 left Leipzig's second oldest hostel, the Central Globetrotter, no choice but to shut down. Managing partner Alexander Grothe tells us about the events that led up to it, after having watched Leipzig transform from pitstop to boom town.


A conversation about history and memory


"The past can only enter our present through memories. Yet, what is officially remembered and how it is remembered is shaped by politics."
