The most important relationship in your life is between you and… yourself. Not your parents, not your kids, your partner, God, your money, whatever. None of these. Just you and you. Think back to your last breakup, the time when you drew a hard line in the sand. Whether it was with a person, with
MoreDear Prudence, I am a Master’s student at Uni Leipzig and I have been here since the start of the first semester in October. However, I am struggling to meet people outside of my class. Especially with restrictions limiting our access to other people anyway! I am looking both for friends and potential partners. Where
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"I see couples in therapy daily who, literally, compete for everything. Who earns more, who is smarter, who has more
Having lived in five countries, I can finally understand the pricelessness of being able to count on what feels like
Dear Prudence, The Season is upon us, ready or not. There are Christmas carols in every shop. Everyone has forgotten
Death of a childhood friend, one year on
"I've become desperate to simply go about my life without needing an explanation, to be fine realizing it's impossible to know what's next."
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I used to say I could not draw or paint to save my life. Except for a few digital symmetrical
Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are! An old phrase, but with knowledge that still
As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it's essential to find and cherish our own authentic voice, celebrating
Ride the wave: random poem Tuesdays
“So maybe this random poem found on a Tuesday still means something to me. And maybe it will speak to you, too.”
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Leipziger Chrissy Orlowski spends a week on a Galápagos boat tour and reports back about her lifelong dream and how
"I see couples in therapy daily who, literally, compete for everything. Who earns more, who is smarter, who has more
Having lived in five countries, I can finally understand the pricelessness of being able to count on what feels like
"Over the past few years, polyamory has been seeping into the mainstream and, as so often with new things, is quickly relegated to being a trend and linked to a loss of values in the younger generation."
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"I see couples in therapy daily who, literally, compete for everything. Who earns more, who is smarter, who has more
Having lived in five countries, I can finally understand the pricelessness of being able to count on what feels like
Smut Slam Leipzig is a place for all types of performers. The setting is casual, facilitated, and non-judgmental. If you're
Isn't synchronicity delightful?
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"I see couples in therapy daily who, literally, compete for everything. Who earns more, who is smarter, who has more
Having lived in five countries, I can finally understand the pricelessness of being able to count on what feels like
Smut Slam Leipzig is a place for all types of performers. The setting is casual, facilitated, and non-judgmental. If you're