Your most important relationship ever


The most important relationship in your life is between you and… yourself. Not your parents, not your kids, your partner, God, your money, whatever. None of these. Just you and you. Think back to your last breakup, the time when you drew a hard line in the sand. Whether it was with a person, with


Language learning for traveling


Do you ever wish that you had the magical power to suddenly be proficient in a new spoken language? I recently had two such experiences. Firstly, let’s start by saying that Spring 2022 seemed to be the time when folks were in overdrive. Travel here and there, and work on projects A through Z in


A date with Proust


This book has been accompanying me for the last few years. It is a series of books actually, the famous Remembrance of Things Past or In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. I try to read a few pages every weekend when I have more time on my hands. I savour every word of the original French. It


Upper limit problem? You deserve your success!


Hitting an upper limit problem (ULP)? You know, the panic attack your brain throws your way when you reach a new milestone, when you achieve something wonderful? Because it gets scared about having too much good stuff in your life? And so you self-sabotage, in all possible ways. The bigger the achievement, the larger the


Dear Prudence: navigating a mixed-faith family


Dear Prudence, I got into a pickle with my partner the other day and I’m hoping you can help. We have a toddler, a very precocious 3-year-old boy. Recently we lost a very dear family friend in a terrible accident. Our son knew them well and was very fond of them. Of course, this has


In the heart of Leipzig: a new home for Sister Cities


Leipzig opened its new Partnerstadt Quartier (sister city district) on Monday, May 9. Centrally located in Market Square, the Quartier is intended to be another important venue for Leipzig’s growing international community. It will be an open meeting point for the private and public actors who foster national and international city friendships. Opening speeches were

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