What happens when the passion and “till death do us part”-enthusiasm wanes? In my practice, I attend to several couples who promised to love each other forever. However, after a few years of marriage, the relationship simply fell into a routine and cooled down. It is even possible to count the rare times they had
MoreAre you relocating to Germany to start a new job or study abroad? If so, you’re in the right place. Germany is a popular destination for expats taking the next step in their professional careers. Likewise for students enrolling in a study abroad program at their college or university. Germany has the largest economy in
More“How do you feel about your head of state dying?” My colleague’s question took me by surprise. Being Australian, I suppose the death of Queen Eizabeth doesn’t really affect me. On the other hand, it’s like the sun has fallen out of the sky. Last Monday, millions of people from the far reaches of the
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What happens when love crosses borders? In psychology, we often use the term “binational relationships” to refer to relationships between two people of different nationalities. There are several wonderful and interesting aspects to having a binational relationship. Not least of which is learning about new things that are peculiar to the culture of our partner.
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The art of assertiveness
Assertiveness. It’s a word that is so in vogue lately but, paradoxically, with so little actual practical application. Being assertive means much more than just saying the right thing at the most appropriate time. To be assertive is also to know to keep quiet when necessary. Or to refrain from engaging in fights that do
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The joy of living
What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to save the world or its people? It feels fantastic to have an impact on the world. To make people smile, uplift them, empower them, and create a better future for them. Some of you reading this might feel that you want to touch