Documentary - Page 2

Documentary: I was a DOK virgin


DOK Festival Director Pasanen said, “We have no more physical walls in our immediate surroundings, but the idealogical walls of many are increasingly noticeable.”


Free film showings and party at DOK Leipzig


For DOK Leipzig's 60th edition, the organizers would like to invite "the whole city to dance with the winners."


Sauna in Finland: chamber of male secrets


They need to let it all out somewhere, and they do it sitting in an "oven" naked and vulnerable with other dudes.


Review: “Bowlingtreff”


What if I told you the abandoned building you pass by everyday was once revolutionary and palace-like inside?


Our guide to DOK Fest 2015


The 58th edition of Leipzig's big documentary film festival is coming to town Oct. 26-Nov. 1. Don't miss it! Here's the lowdown.


“Kaschubischer Filmabend” in Leipzig (Mar 26)


Von Facebook: ‘Vorführung einer ARTE-Produktion von Adama Ulrich und dem fernsehbuero Berlin – aus der Reihe „Vergessene Völker Europas: Die Kaschuben“. Die Autorin selbst erzählt von ihrer langen Faszination über Polen und den sagenhaften Kaschubenland. Es wird Kaschubisch gespeist, man kann sich ebenso in dieser alten slawischen Sprache mit einer der Hauptprotagonisten, Jolanta Drywa, unterhalten.’
