Stage - Page 5

Opera, ballet, dance, classical music, theater etc.

Leipzig for Ukraine fundraising concert


  Leipzig for Ukraine (LE4UA) presents a fundraising concert in support of the victims and survivors of the war in Ukraine. With musical acts of different genres, DJs, and a raffle prize draw, there is something for everyone to enjoy – all for a worthy cause. From the LE4UA team: “Like many, if not all


Ukraine: solidarity through the arts


On Thursday I was really busy, as usual. I knew A Concert for the Whole World would be broadcast live from Ukraine at 5 PM. On top of that, I knew I could watch it later. I debated. This could be heavy. Musicians of the Chernivtsi Regional Philharmonic were playing a concert from a bomb


La Voix Humaine – Clinging to a Lost Love


A darkened stage breaks its stillness with the dissonant phrases of a quarter grand piano. Dim lights cast the figure of a woman lying on the floor of her living room. Her hectic energy hovers over the space. The phone rings. The protagonist finds herself on the receiving end of two wrong-number calls. This small,


maeshelle west-davies: not alone 2.0


maeshelle west-davies debuts her latest performance piece, not alone 2.0, at Helmut on Friday, 11 March 2022. She is well-known in art and culture circles in Leipzig, where she has lived and worked as an artist, MC and event producer for many years. Raised in the US, maeshelle spent several years living in the UK


ETL: Gruesome Playground Injuries


Love hurts, and for some people, that’s the point. Trying to write a one-line introduction to this play has me stumped. “A skeletal outline of common events wrapped up in an uncommon friendship.” That is the closest I could get to describing ETL‘s production of Gruesome Playground Injuries, by Rajiv Joseph. It opened on 3


Michiko Saiki’s Voices of Women: on Acceptance and Affirmation


How to bore an audience: provide one-dimensional characters. So many of us are pigeon-holed and stereotyped. In her multimedia performance, Voices of Women (Stimmen der Frauen), Michiko Saiki examines the multiplicity that is woman. We are not just baby-making machines. We are living, breathing creatures with unique stories to tell. Look into our eyes. Read

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