pandemic - Page 6

104 result(s) found.

Schreberish: a new appreciation for old gardens


Cities are captivating. There is an abundance of activity within them, with a constant commotion and busyness. But this busyness is precisely why cities can be overwhelming and claustrophobic. I’ve lived in multiple cities, but Leipzig is exceptional among them because of its numerous parks and gardens. I was always of the false mindset that


Viktor Witkowski – seeing beyond the physical


In its earlier styles, art was generally meant to represent nature. But modern art, and abstract art, in particular, has often professed to embody its operations. Thus Jackson Pollock’s celebrated affirmation: “I am nature!” Today, technological developments range from digital imaging to actual cloning of organisms. Our sense of both reality and its representation is


A Roadmap to Grieving


Are you or someone you know grieving? If you’re currently helping refugees or going through any type of life change, this will be for you. Anytime we leave behind life as we know it, we actually mourn that which we’ve left behind. Be it for something small like moving apartments, or big like fleeing a


Embargoing Russian oil: the Mother of all Sanctions


The European Union and other Western governments have levied unprecedented sanctions on Russia following Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The Russian central bank is one of the entities sanctioned, which will likely make Russia go into default. This will mean that it cannot pay its international creditors because its assets are frozen. However, the mother


Smut Slam Returns to Leipzig


Storytime, kids! In November 2016, right after the U.S. presidential election had been called for Trump, I was supposed to be hosting a Smut Slam in North Carolina, in a small liberal city surrounded by a sea of Trump-voting Republicans. Smut Slam, for those of you just finding out, is a community dirty-storytelling open mic.


Germany’s response to the war on Ukraine


On 28 February, Chancellor Scholz announced the creation of a special €100bn fund to support the Bundeswehr. He also committed to raising Germany’s military spending to 2% of its GPD. This is a 35% overnight increase, and he proposed enshrining this figure in the constitution. The decision was applauded by Bundestag members and political commentators

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