coronavirus - Page 3

Ghanaian student now 103 days on Wuhan lockdown


Before his forced, indefinite isolation during Covid-19 times in Wuhan, China, this young medicine student from Ghana felt he had his future figured out, and a bright one at that, planning to further his studies abroad and apply what he learned back home.


How has social distancing affected you?


Social distancing has become a major factor in our daily urban lives here in Leipzig. The Institute for Urban Development and Construction Science (ISB) has started a survey to get a deeper understanding of how Leipzigers are affected by the current situation. Find out here what the survey is trying to investigate and how you


Financial support during the Corona Crisis


Navigating the JobCenter and German bureaucracy in general can be difficult in the best of times. Leipglo brings you an insight into the process if you're in need of help during the current Corona crisis.


Leipglo Helpboard launched amid Covid-19


Our newly launched Leipglo Helpboard ( depends on #Leipzig community to succeed, serving as connector and aggregator of services and apparel, offers and calls for help, tips and resources to get each other through the #coronavirus crisis.


“Why do you need money for this?”

// turns 5 in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis and, like others, is in dire need of financial help to continue on. Staying true to our mission, we’re using our own survival campaign to create a resource database to connect and help the community.


Stadt Leipzig resources and services during Covid-19


Questions about your visa, healthcare, social distancing, job benefits, and other vital services in Leipzig area amid coronavirus crisis? Have a look at this handy guide to get your bearings.
