Allgemein - Page 6

Finding comfort in being alone


Growing up, I always heard negative connotations about being alone. As a result, I also thought of it as such. However, as I mature I’m starting to question if being alone is all that bad. I have always thought of myself as a social person. I surrounded myself with a group of friends and consider


Peter Pane partners with Mana Farms


Leipzig is nothing if not a city of history. From its bustling marketplace in the center, with its tight and winding medieval streets, to south Markleeberg’s lakeside sprawl. Spreading out in every direction, this thousand-year-old city continuously captures the hearts of locals and newcomers alike. Local Roots However, Leipzig is not just a city with


Schreberish: a new appreciation for old gardens


Cities are captivating. There is an abundance of activity within them, with a constant commotion and busyness. But this busyness is precisely why cities can be overwhelming and claustrophobic. I’ve lived in multiple cities, but Leipzig is exceptional among them because of its numerous parks and gardens. I was always of the false mindset that


Viktor Witkowski – seeing beyond the physical


In its earlier styles, art was generally meant to represent nature. But modern art, and abstract art, in particular, has often professed to embody its operations. Thus Jackson Pollock’s celebrated affirmation: “I am nature!” Today, technological developments range from digital imaging to actual cloning of organisms. Our sense of both reality and its representation is


Bianca Otero finds the peace in Schrebergartens


Klein- or Schrebergartens have formed an integral part of society since their inception in the middle of the 17th century in Germany. From there, they spread to the rest of Europe during the 18th century. Since then, their meaning has changed many times. Not only in the East and the West, but throughout the World


Undine Bandelins Gastmahl


Goodbye. Das große Fressen ist vorbei. Die Zunge ist gelockert. Der Wein schiebt das Karussell an, der Wein hält und schiebt und hält und schiebt und hält um schließlich anzuschieben das Karussell an. Unter der Zunge taut und friert und taut und friert um schließlich ganz Rutschbahn zu sein, ein Blitzeis nach dem Fressen. Da

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