Literature - Page 8

Literary Parlor: interview with poet Patricia Murphy


In this column, we invite international award-winning authors for a virtual cup of tea, coffee or whisky, to unveil some of their art and craft secrets. We begin with Patricia Colleen Murphy, winner of the 2019 Press 53 Award for Poetry.


Writers start up new groups in Leipzig


"The Leipzig Writers' Meetup group is a space for people who write anything – books, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, scripts – to exchange ideas, share feedback, motivate each other, find a writing buddy or buddies, and also just to chat."


Harari: preaching science with hope and love


"In a world of religious believers, ethnic wars and racism, why would an author dethroning each of these beliefs become so popular? Why do believers in God, Marxism or the nation buy a book telling them their gods are nothing but chimeras?"


3 existential poems: tourist, victim, phoenix


If taken together and interpreted a certain way, these poems may paint the picture of an individual who is discovering that depending on external validation is a dead-end; the small moments and aspects of ourselves we learn to treasure are what matters.


Poetry: “Collapsing new thoughts”


"I can't open my eyes / to watch the fluttering ring of lies (...) I can't move opinions / if the thoughts are fake."


“Banishment” – the plight of the poet


"It was observed during his mock trial that he was distracted though the accusations made against him demanded no response. Nevertheless, he seemed somewhat absent from the proceedings, and if his lips moved, he said nothing."

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