America’s Pegida


"In America, Donald Trump has climbed to the top of the early polls for the Republican nomination. And in Germany a sizeable but still minority portion of the population has xenophobic or racist tendencies. The question is if the Pegida or the Trump strategies have long-term staying power or if their impact is only temporary


#GoingGlocal: “Thank you for your letter,” Part II


Part II of this five-part series depicts the beginning of the accidental pen-pal relationship between Diana growing up in the GDR and a girl growing up in the Soviet Union - the pivot of the whole story. We welcome readers to share their transnational cultural experiences with us, as well.


Intercultural relationships

What happens when love turns into routine and familiarity? Do intercultural boundaries tend to be a higher hurdle than the usual ones?


A South African Typ and what he eats


Our culinary columnist today explores a South African friend's food culture, having learned a lot of interesting expressions, traditions and memories from his life she hadn't known before, but among which she found "incredible" commonalities with her own food culture.


Top 10 funny travel ads


The long winding road of travel is filled with humor. And humor sells.


#GoingGlocal: “Thank you for your letter,” Part I (COLUMN DEBUT)


The idea in this new column is for people to share their transnational cultural experiences that shaped and changed them in some important way; the debut, running as a series for the next five weeks, features a Leipzig novelist's relationship with all things Russian growing up in the old Karl-Marx-Stadt, and the friendship she built

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