pandemic - Page 16

104 result(s) found.

Black Lives Matter protesters ponder a Leipzig branch


"It is not enough for German nationals to focus solely on the evils of racism in the United States while their own homes are left in disarray. (...) When emotion fades, when the tears run dry... we’re left with a mission." #BLM #Leipzig


Covid-19 crisis deals final blow to Globetrotter hostel


Covid-19 left Leipzig's second oldest hostel, the Central Globetrotter, no choice but to shut down. Managing partner Alexander Grothe tells us about the events that led up to it, after having watched Leipzig transform from pitstop to boom town.


Lübeck: city of 3 Nobel winners and 4 martyrs


Thanks to Corona, domestic travel is becoming more and more attractive. For a hidden gem within Germany's own borders, find out from LeipGlo contributor Lito why Lübeck is a great destination and what its rich history can tell us about our present.


Blood donations: less than an hour to save someone’s life


In this article we break down all the essential factors that make blood donations such a vital contribution to our health care system. Find out how you can save lives every time you donate and what goes into your first donation.


Plain language matters in a crisis, but also afterwards


Simplicity or clarity can mean different things to people. But plain language is a general notion that can apply to most if not all languages and contexts. International Plain Language Federation explains it as: “A communication is in plain language if its wording, structure, and design are so clear that the intended readers can easily


Introducing Romy Arndt, grief companion, recently moved to Leipzig


Read our in-depth interview with grief companion Romy Arndt to find out about this pertinent profession for our times and her unique perspective on the on-going corona virus crisis.
